20 Questions to Ask Your Partner for Date Night

If you have been in a relationship with someone for a long time, you may even have gotten to the point where you don’t really have “conversations” anymore. Wow, that sounds depressing. What I mean is, you might not sit down and have intentional “get to know you” conversations nearly as much as when you first started dating. I have a philosophy that you should never stop “dating” your partner so here are some questions you can ask your partner when you may have truly talked about everything. 

 20 Questions to ask your partner:

  1. What is your favorite photograph of us?

  2. What is something that you liked about me when we first started dating? How has that changed over time?

  3. What is something that you need from me nowadays?

  4. What is your most treasured gift from our relationship? Why?

  5. If you were to describe the best version of me, what would they say?

  6. What is your earliest memory from childhood?

  7. When was the last time you laughed out loud? What caused it?

  8. What was your favorite Halloween costume? Piece of clothing? Hairstyle?

  9. When was the last time you felt joy? Describe what happened.

  10. How would people describe you as a child? Has it changed now as an adult?

  11. If you were going to be selected to be a contestant on a game show or reality show, what would it be and why?

  12. What is a recipe you have always wanted to try to make but haven’t?

  13. Do you have any recurring dreams? If so, what are they?

  14. What fictional character do you identify with the most and why?

  15. What sport or activity would you try but haven’t yet?

  16. Do you have an idea of when or how you will die?

  17. When you think about our relationship in 6 months (1 year, 5 years, 10 years), how do you see our relationship change? Staying the same?

  18. What is an experience you would like to share together that we haven’t yet?

  19. What are your life goals? Are we on track or what needs to change for you to achieve them?

  20. How do you feel about our relationship after having this conversation?


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